Thursday, 12 January 2012


There are several ways that this can be done. Here are my suggestions that you might like to utilise.

Appoint someone in the church to be the operations manager for the project. That person/s can co-ordinate the activity and inform the people what is required of them and to give them information that they can use.

Each week, formulate a different reason why the MPs should not vote for SSM. For information that you can use there is plenty on this blog or you can use the material available at the Culture Watch site   

Click on the homosexuality tab on the right and then the same sex marriage tab on the left.

Get as many as you can to email the MPs each week with their reason for saying no to SSM. If you have small numbers to work with, you might like to get people to target a specific number of MPs, say 10 MPs per person. If you have large numbers taking part try and get them all to target every Federal MP.

Don’t send block emails. Send them individually to each MP and start the email Dear Julia or Dear Miss Gillard.

Make sure that everyone writes their emails in their own words. Do not send copycat emails as they won’t be read.

Preferably send the emails on different days each week so a pattern does not emerge i.e. everyone not sending their emails on a Monday or Joe not sending his emails every Thursday.

If possible, make sure that MPs receive emails on every day of the week i.e. if you have 70 people involved make sure at least 10 of them send their emails to cover each day of the week.  

If you want to reach the whole congregation in one go, put your reason for opposing SSM in your weekly bulletin or up on the screen in your meeting. If you utilise the second, allow people time to write down the reason.

If you have better ways to reach every MP every week, go for it.


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