Thursday, 12 January 2012


The LGBT Project, which stands for "Let God Be True" (not lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) has been devised to enter the battle for the truth. I believe that there is a battle raging in the heavenlies that is being played out on earth today in specific ways.

On one side, you have the Spirit of God who is the author of all that is true and on the other side is Satan, who cannot tell the truth if his life depended on it.

We are clearly told that he is the father of lies in John 8:44. Anything that happens on earth that is based on lies has Satan as its source. His sole aim is to prevent the truth from being known.

A clear example of this is the demand for legal recognition of same sex marriage (SSM). The case for this demand is built entirely on lies as I will show.

This means that the source for this demand is Satan so no Christian should go along with it. To do so is to promote Satan’s cause.

What we need to do with the vote coming up in Federal Parliament is to constantly bombard politicians with the truth which Satan and the militant homosexuals, who I will refer to as the gaystapo for a very specific reason do not want people to know.

This blog will list all the issues that set out the truth which you can use to email politicians. We need to have their computers swamped with hundreds of thousands of emails to prevent them voting for lies.

If at the end of the day, if we do not succeed in stopping it, at least no one can say it happened because we were too lazy to do anything about it.

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