Thursday, 12 January 2012


It is unfortunate that too many people get their exercise jumping to conclusions. A person says something and another person jumps to the conclusion that it is an attack on something else.

This constantly happens when the subject of homosexuality is discussed. Any comment that does not fall in line with the demands of the gaystapo is according to them, an irrational fear of homosexuals and homosexuality and referred to by them as “homophobia” which it isn’t.

In addition anything you say that is not accepting of SSM is automatically interpreted by them as an attack on individual homosexuals, which it isn’t.

This blog is concerned with the ideology of SSM, not the lives of individual homosexuals. In my church and I know many others, homosexuality is not a barrier to acceptance. We all come to Christ as sinners and the homosexual is no different.

My prayer, our prayer is that in experiencing the love and acceptance of the body of Christ, the person with homosexual behavioural issues will find release from their bondage and healing for their broken image the same as we would want for any sinner.

This is made clear in 1 Cor 6:11. A list of sins is recorded in this chapter and Paul says in this verse that “such were some of you.” In other words, sin is not a permanent fixture for the new believer in Christ because the power of the blood of Jesus can cleanse from all sins.

On a personal level, who the person is, is more important than what they believe. It is the Holy Spirit’s ministry to convict of sin, righteousness and judgment and he can do a far better job of that than we can.

I don’t believe that any past or current sin is any barrier to a person being accepted by God when they come to the cross for forgiveness and cleansing. Until that happens, my role is to love them into the kingdom so that the Holy Spirit can do his work.

In one church I was in, one of the members was an ex murderer who had done time in prison for his crime and during which he surrendered his life to Christ. No one knew who it was because as a new creature in Christ his past was irrelevant.  

So if anyone wants to level the accusation of intolerance against what is said here, they will need to find another form of exercise other than jumping to conclusions.     

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