Thursday, 12 January 2012


1. Judging by examples already happening overseas i.e. a Vicar taken to court because he would not marry two homosexuals in his church, it seems that legalising same sex marriage is construed as a defacto law to prevent anyone exercising their conscience or being guided by their moral beliefs.

I am sure that you would not want that to happen here, so can I count on you to vote against such legislation when it comes before Parliament?

2. It is a known fact that homosexuals in their relationships do not consider monogamy a thing to be desired. Most of them have admitted having sex with several other men outside of the relationship on a regular basis as stated by Denis Altman, a leading homosexual activist on the ABC programme Compass.

That being the case, to legalise same sex marriage is to trivialise the state of marriage as we know it and rob it of its intended purpose and benefit to society. I am sure that you would not want to be the cause of this happening, so can I count on you to oppose the legislation when it comes before parliament?

3. Copious research has been done that shows children do best when they have a mum and dad married to each other. Legalising same sex marriage will lead to the floodgates being opened for homosexual couples to adopt children.

Bearing in mind that research also shows that the average homosexual relationship is 18 months to 2 years, it does noT take much to realise that children adopted by homosexuals’ are going to be brought up with divorce happening on a regular basis. Stability for them will be none existent.

In the best interest of the children, can I count on you to vote against this legislation which will inevitably be a disaster for them?

4. Research shows that there is a higher incident of violence in homosexual partnerships than in heterosexual ones. It shows that these relationships are very volatile in nature and a definite danger to any children involved.

To legalise same sex marriage is going to add fuel to the fire in this regard so such a move is counter productive. For that reason, can I count on you not to vote for the legalising of same sex marriage?

5. Have you considered that if same sex marriage is legalised, it will open the floodgates for other types of relationships to be legalised. Examples are polyamory, polygamy, incest, man/boy, human/object to name a few. Already there are those who are trying to get these examples legalised in other countries that have legalised same sex marriage.

In all honesty, I do not think that we can say it won’t happen here, so the best way to shut the door on such things is not to legalise same sex marriage.

I hope that I can count on you to not open the floodgates to all kinds of weird and whacky demands by not voting for the legalising of same sex marriage?

6. By their own admission, homosexual activists are not simply interested in making it possible for homosexuals and lesbians to partake of conventional married life. Rather, they aim to change the essential character of marriage, removing precisely the aspects of fidelity and chastity that promote stability in the relationship and the home.

Of course they are not going to tell you this as it would queer their pitch, so can I suggest that if you want to support a stable and coherent society that you reject the legalising of same sex marriage. 

7. I am sure that you are aware that delegates from more than 60 nations affirmed Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that asserts "the family is a natural and fundamental group unit of society, and is entitled to protection by the state".

Significantly, it defined "natural family" as "the lifelong marriage of a man to a woman, for the purposes of welcoming and nurturing new human life, providing love, companionship, and mutual support, building a home rich in functions, and strengthening the bonds of the generations."

Legalising SSM means ignoring this Declaration and ignoring the human rights of the people of Australia, especially of children so one has to ask "why sign the Declaration and then ignore its provisions."

Therefore I urge you not to support any move to legalise same sex marriage in the interest of our commitment to the UN Human Rights Charter.

8. Once same sex marriage is legalised, schools will be forced to promote homosexuality.

Some examples in the USA are… a school wide assembly to celebrate SSM; literatures on how SSM is normal was given to students; teachers giving lessons about sex saying that lesbians can have vaginal intercourse using sex toys; a parent was arrested and jailed because he insisted that the school his son attended advise him about teaching on homosexuality; parents forced a school to allow their children to opt-out from sex education about homosexuality. The courts overruled them and said SSM was legal so they could not opt-out; because SSM was legal, a federal judge said it was a schools duty to teach that homosexual relationships were normal.

There are no votes to be gained in having to address issues of this kind, so it is best you do not open the door to it by not legalising same sex marriage.

I do hope that you can see the wisdom of this and that I can count on you voting against the legislation as I for one do not want children force fed such aberrant ideology.

9. The eminent Harvard sociologist, Pitirim Sorokin, analyzed cultures spanning several thousand years on several continents, and found that virtually no society has ceased to regulate sexuality within marriage as traditionally defined, and survived.

It is a foolish parliament and a foolish politician that ignores the evidence of history in favour of a very small minority of a small minority. In the interest of avoiding the obvious, can I count on you not to allow this legislation to pass?

10. Homosexuals claim that they need marriage rights so that they will be able to visit their partners in the hospital?

The fact is, except when a doctor limits visitation for medical reasons, final authority over who may visit an adult patient rests with that patient. This is and should be the case regardless of the sexual orientation or marital status of the patient or the visitor. Another furphy used by the gaystapo to further their demands so can I count on you not to vote for legalised same sex marriage based on this claim? 

If they write back and say they are not going to vote for SSM, thank them and keep writing and let them know that they may find the information useful in speaking against it. 

Another reason to keep writing is that the MP may be saying that they are going to vote against it to get you off their back.

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